Friday 10 August 2012

Last stretch

Here I am, in the last strech of this trip of a lifetime. In a few hours, I'll fly to Habana, Cuba, for four days.

Putting rosaries on the clothesline, we make the sun dance, and we blow wind against possible hurricanes appearing in the Atlantic. Four days with good weather, or no hurricane, is all I ask for.

To take no chances, I found a book in english (it's not easy to find in Buenos Aires). I was told I wouldn't be able to count on my computer to keep me busy there since technology is slow on the island.

So I spent six days in Argentina's capital. Other than my problem with the coins, I could reunite with Kelly, an Australian I met in Vietnam. Thanks to Facebook, I knew she would be around and we could arrange our schedules to meet.

Like anticipated, for a strange reason, the link between travelers gets strong fast and it doesn't need a lot of work to remain intact. So I was under the impression I reunited with a friend I had known forever. Again, the world, it gets smaller when you explore it.

Two days later, I reunited with Martin, a friend I met in Jordan. Same feeling.

One cannot say Buenos Airest has a lot of attractions. But I must say I didn't get a lot of information about it. I just wanted to feel the european atmosphere, the colors in La Boca, the modern side of Palermo.

I was hoping to add the 20th of 21 countries on my list, but it seemed I needed a last obstacle before flying home.

On that last day in South America, I expected to discover Colonia Del Sacramento, a small town in Uruguay, one hour away from Buenos Aires. I needed to make sure I would come back on time for my shuttle to the airport.

It seems like Colonia Express, the company with which I tried to book, is the TAP Airlines of the ferries. Problems with the bookings, no hablo engles, and no as an answer to my attempts to find a solution.

Angry, because it wasn't possible for me to take the tour another day, I walked from the port to the hostel, something like 45 minutes, to calm down. Especially after having paid a taxi to get to the port.

Good news is my hostel, which was my "travel agent", not only refounded the trip but offered me a free dinner.

So hang on friends. I'll be back home in five days.

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