Friday 23 December 2011

Earthquake for Christmas

I don't know who chose the date for Christmas this year, but I'm not sure I agree with it yet. Ok for the holiday, the sleep you can get, but stopping to plan my trip... never.

My passport finally arrived at home. That is an important thing to start asking for visas. And to buy plane tickets. Because some companies want to know your passport number to sell you a ticket online.

So, my first destinations are chosen and have been put on the calendar. Hard to backtrack once the price of the tickets have been billed on the credit card. I will let you think a little more about where I'm going while I confirm I'll fly on the wings of United and Air Pacific. Oh yes!

I put my own advices to work, searching the best price on several websites. Discounts were not where I thought I would find them. But one thing that is logical is that crossing the Pacific Ocean brings you to your destination... two days after take off. Getting old very fast. The impression we're losing so much time. Eventually, coming back, I will get that time back. I'll get younger.

I now know where I'll be at the end of February. And I realize it will be difficult not to stay longer than what I planned at the start. I'm already "late" on my schedule. The beauty of it is that the schedule can go to hell. We'll see if I end up there too.

I also have my visa for a very friendly country that let you get it really easily on their website. No pictures, no questions about your income, your job, the age of your dog or your neighbour, or your favorite pizza brand. Just a big yes and big open arms (that reach directly in your wallet).

I started shopping for my trip. The hint of the day : find a cheap wallet. It can be useful if you get mugged. You can carry it with a couple of notes inside and it would probably convince robbers that you don't have anything more to offer. Haven't tried it yet but read it somewhere.

For all of those who are still wondering where I'll land later, let me tell you my heart broke, and I was a little stressed, when I read rumors about damages in Christchurch's airport after an earthquake.

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